Hello, I’m Emma and I am the owner and photographer at Purple Rose Photography based in Milton Keynes.

I have always had a keen interest in photography and all things creative. I was and still am that annoying person with a camera, snapping away, I just genuinely enjoy capturing moments. Even as a child my poor siblings were my early subjects always being asked to pose for me. I love photographing people and the events that make life’s special, be this a wedding or a newborn. I love capturing those memories for you.
Photography was always a part-time activity for me, it gave me the creative release that my work as a petrochemical engineer did not allow. After 12 long years, redundancy gave me the opportunity to pursue photography full-time. I’ve not looked back since. I have worked alongside and trained with various incredibly talented photographers and will continue to train and attend workshops and seminars to develop my work. I truly believe that we never stop learning. Whilst not perhaps apparent at first my engineering background has helped me immensely. It taught me basic angles, light and how to control it, planning which is so important on weddings and to cope in a high stress or fast-paced situation, which again weddings can be.
Away from photography, I am a keen martial artist having trained in karate for 22 years. I live with my husband, our two little boy’s, cat and dog. My free time is spent in the garden or on long walks, with camera in hand as my long suffering husband can confirm. I love to knit, I find it a great way to relax, in fact many of my newborn photography props are knitted by myself. I am an official cat mum, she hangs out with me all day while I work away editing and even demands to come with us on walks with the dog.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. If you have any questions or perhaps you just want to say hi please feel free to message me on my contacts page or through my Facebook page.
Every photograph I capture is a privilege. To be allowed into a person’s life, to share and capture those memories, and the emotions at that moment in time. I feel truly privileged to be trusted to capture these memories.