Little baby E arrived for his newborn photography shoot at my studio in Milton Keynes wide awake. he was very much curious about his new surroundings and had no intention of falling asleep and missing a second. After settling his parents in and an initial attempt at wrapping little E we decided to give him a top-up feed. Which he happily accepted.
it was then time for round 2. I start most of my newborn sessions by wrapping baby. It usually helps them settle and the act of wrapping them lets me test their reaction to my touch so I know how to work with them. Baby E was fairly relaxed and didn’t startle to my touch, he was just determined not to sleep. Within 20 minutes of wrapping him, rocking him and playing some white noise he was fast asleep and stayed that way until the end of the session.

We were able to have photo’s of him in a bowl and then move to my specially made newborn posing bean bag. Baby E just kept on sleeping, he was extremely content and happy to sleep, not startling or jumping when I gently moved him. I tend to move the baby into a pose when they naturally stretch or fidget so I move with them and baby E was very comfortable with this. The whole session was lead by him and what he was happy with. My final pose he really did not settle into, we tried a few times but he just was not happy, as I never force a baby into a pose this is where we stopped, with a lovely gallery of photos for his parents.

At this point I handed baby E back to his parents and we said goodbye. The first thing I do after a newborn session is complete is to gather everything baby has touched ready to get washed and dried for the next session. Hygiene is really important to me with newborns. I then downloaded and backed up his photo’s and started my edit. it’s really important to me that your baby photo’s once edited still look like your baby. I’ll remove spots of flakey skin, but I won’t edit to the degree that the texture of your baby’s skin is lost. The beautiful skin at this age and I would hate to lose that. Once the photos have all been carefully edited I invite the family back to my studio to select their photo’s and printed products. This really is my favourite part of the newborn photography process, I love seeing the parents reactions when they see their little one’s photos. Once the images are selected I will carry out any final edits and deliver the digitals images and order the printed products which have been selected.

If you would like to see more examples of my newborn work please click here to visit my newborn gallery.
if you would like to enquire about your own newborn photography shoot please contact us by clicking here.