Intimate wedding breakfast set up

How to plan your 2021 wedding with covid in mind

Jan 14, 2021 | Wedding Photography

If there is one thing we have learned from last year when planning a wedding during covid and with the restrictions in place every changing you need to be prepared to be flexible. Planning a wedding in 2021 is just the same in that respect. There is now light at the end of the tunnel, as I type this the vaccine is rolling out, new treatments are being trialled and we can see an end to this strange way of life. I honestly hope in a years time we will be looking back thinking about how crazy life was, as we enjoy sports, nights out with friends and all those things we took for granted before this. Of course, that includes weddings and the family gatherings that includes.

Bride standing in vineyard

I am finding more and more couples are now saying if it’s allowed they will get married in 2021 regardless of what the rules and restrictions might be. For many couples they want to be married and start their married journey together. With the rules ever changing how do you plan for your big day?

Be flexible

Easy to say I know, but if you want to marry this year and you don’t know what the rules are be ready to change your plan at short notice. This could be anything from guests numbers to receptions being allowed, or moving parts of the day outside. If you’re prepared to be flexible you can adapt the day to suit the current regulations.

Couple sat in garden of flowers

Guest list

This is something that many couples struggle with in normal circumstances, let alone with restrictions, as numbers allowed changed during the summer couples were stressed trying to make quick choices on who would attend. One way to save yourself from any potential last-minute panic is to make several guest lists. Have one list where you invite everyone you would want to if there were no restrictions in place. Then make lists based on restrictions, so who would you invite if only 15 guests were allowed? Then 30, 40, 50, and so on. By doing this early just in case it saves any panic if things suddenly change, your list is there and ready, it also gives you time to think about it as well. It also helps you to decide who needs to be there for you to marry, so you know your basic requirements.

Sword salute

Have a back up plan

Make a backup plan. If the worst happens and your wedding can’t go ahead either because of guest limits or government restrictions. Have a plan for what you will do. For example, will you push the date back? If so are your suppliers available for the potential planned new date, if you can take them with you it will both save you money and stress as you just move the whole day. Some suppliers will save a backup date for you, it’s worth asking about this. I have done this with my couples, they know the date is not safe until they confirm that is their new date, if someone else asks for the date I will check first before booking it but it gives you some reassurance at least.

Bride and groom sat in a lavender field

Talk to your suppliers

Your wedding suppliers are there for you and keen to help. With some couples, I’m on their 4th or even 5th wedding date. I’ve been on a journey with them and I am invested emotionally in them. I want to see them get married, I want to be taking photos as they commit to each other and trying not to tear up. I honestly get emotional at weddings, I can’t help it. This has been especially true at recent weddings as I know how hard we’ve all worked to make their day happen. I’d be heartbroken if I couldn’t be there for a couples big day. For my couples I have supplied them with my availability calendar so they can see when I’m available and move to a date where they keep me if they need to move, that means less stress as they know I’m there and w can stick to our photography plan. I’ve planned and worked at covid secure weddings, so I can help with the planning and any changes that might need to happen. Many of your suppliers will be the same. Each and everyone will also be hugely grateful if you keep them as a part of your day.

Details on a wedding table

Talk to your wedding venue

Your wedding venue has most likely already run covid secure weddings. They’ll have plenty of ideas and suggestions on how to adapt your day to make it safe for everyone but still an enjoyable day. Small things like having confetti in containers so your guest can throw it without touching it, or different rooms layouts.

I honestly believe things are going to improve this year, I hope soon we will be seeing our friends and family, hugging them, and enjoying time with them. It won’t be overnight but as the vaccine rolls out and we see the effect from that I honestly hope rules will relax and things like weddings will happen again. We may just need to be ready to be flexible when they do. I cannot wait to be there for my couples, capturing every moment for them.

Thinking about planning an intimate wedding? Click here to read my blog on how to plan an intimate wedding.



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